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Posts: 2
HID Card Reader Redirection
on: Dec 17th, 2021, 1:49pm |
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Hello. I am encountering an error when trying to forward the input from a card reader to a remote machine. Everything appears to be set up properly on the client and server machine. The card reader is an Omnikey 5022 CL. Any advice? The logs I found on the client machine are: 2021.12.16 10:03:16.421 (-05:00) [4600] [4604] [SERVICE]: Build Mar 17 2021. Windows 8 (build 9200), 64-bit 2021.12.16 11:30:11.868 [4600] [6232] [ERROR]: Canceling pending irp failed! Device handle(1236). Error 22: The device does not recognize the command. 2021.12.16 11:30:11.871 [4600] [6232] [ERROR]: CUsbEngine: nDeviceDisconnected: Device not found, it`s unplugged? 2021.12.16 11:31:37.926 [4600] [6232] [ERROR]: CUsbEngine: nDeviceDisconnected: Device not found, it`s unplugged? 2021.12.16 11:32:07.483 [4600] [4604] [ERROR]: CPlugUnplugManager::~CPlugUnplugManager(): Stop() method was not called before delete object.2021.12.16 11:32:52.018 [4652] [4560] [Service]: Start service. Version program 60007. Version protocol 50101. 2021.12.16 11:32:52.914 [4652] [5460] [ERROR]: Load alias settings from registry failed 2021.12.16 11:35:30.451 [4652] [6076] [ERROR]: CNetworkEngine: nSessionOpened(): Listen failure, gle: 170 2021.12.16 11:42:02.691 [4652] [6076] [ERROR]: CNetworkEngine: nSessionOpened(): Listen failure, gle: 170