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   Author  Topic: USB Device lost when disconnected  (Read 4362 times)
USB Device lost when disconnected
on: Dec 19th, 2019, 8:09am
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I have 5 PC´s connected to the server all with the Bematech Printer.. all work fine but one of them lose the usb device when remote desktop disconnected and i have to turn off and On the printer twice to reconnect the usb device and ge it recognized by work station..
it´s like that the usb remote desktop dosenot reléase the printer from the disconnected remot desktop sesión..  
I had 4 machin working well from a year ago with 5.02 versión in server and Workstation.. but the new one is giving me the problem from the day i installed it.. when i download from the page it was 5.05... I tried updating the server to 5.05 but the problema still.
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Re: USB Device lost when disconnected
Reply #1 on: Dec 19th, 2019, 10:56am
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There is no support of such old version.
5.0.2 - 6 year old;
5.0.5 - 5 year old.
I would advise you to test our latest release.
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Sergey Jarovski

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