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   Author  Topic: No connection to USB scanner with Citrix 19.12  (Read 4521 times)
No connection to USB scanner with Citrix 19.12
on: May 20th, 2020, 2:49pm
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We've bought a 8 session licence for Scanner for Remote Desktop to use an USB scanner connected to an
IGEL client via USB 2.0 and logged on to a Citrix VDI (Windows 10 LTSC 1809) with Citrix XenDesktop 19.12.
In a test scenario with unlicensed  "Scanner for Remote Desktop" scanning via Fabula Tech VirtTWAIN Scanner
it worked good, but now with enabled license the scanner doe not work anymore. Also some Citrix Policies are changed by our Citrix-Admin, so we don't know what's the issue.
Is there some requirements on enabled Citrix/Windows Policies and started Services (that will be disabled by Citrix Optimizer) ?
Thanks for any support on this.
Last Edit: May 20th, 2020, 2:51pm by inga78 IP Logged
Re: No connection to USB scanner with Citrix 19.12
Reply #1 on: May 22nd, 2020, 12:17pm
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Hello Sergey,
thank you for your reply.  
I can't see any device via scancmd.exe list. But as it worked with the unlicensed installation, also no device was showen but the scanner worked through FabulaTech Scanner Software.  
We've reinstalled the software 5 times / also installed the VDI completly new. With no success.
The Citrix policies that were set are:
- Client Twain Redirection = prohibited
- Client USB device redirection = allowed
- Client USB device redirection rules = #any kind of device
- Client USB Plug'n'play device redirection = allowed
We are using IGEL Thinclients. Do we have to enable something in the IGEL Client ?
Kind regards
IP Logged
Re: No connection to USB scanner with Citrix 19.12
Reply #2 on: May 22nd, 2020, 4:33pm
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Hi Inga,
I have sent you an email. Please reply.
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Sergey Jarovski

Re: No connection to USB scanner with Citrix 19.12
Reply #3 on: May 26th, 2020, 8:54am
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Thanks for using our product.
I need to have more info regarding "the scanner doe not work anymore".
Do you see your scanner in Scanner for Remote Desktop (server) GUI?
You can't use native TWAIN scanner redirection (find "Client TWAIN device redirection" in
Citrix Policy) and FabulaTech scanner redirection at the same time.
The best solution for you is to uninstall Scanner for Remote Desktop (server) part, reboot
Scanner for Remote Desktop (server) PC, install Scanner for Remote Desktop (server) part
(you should disable Citrix TWAIN redirection in the dialog window during the installation
process), reboot Scanner for Remote Desktop (server) PC once again.
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Sergey Jarovski

Re: No connection to USB scanner with Citrix 19.12
Reply #4 on: May 26th, 2020, 11:07am
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I've sent you the screenshots as PM. Hope it helps.
Kind regards
IP Logged
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