
TheoLt by Latimer-CAD is a live interface for surveying equipment for AutoCAD and AutoCADLt: it is widely used in building survey. The benefits of TheoLt include real-time verification of survey data and on site completion CAD plans. A typical set-up is a total station recording 3D vector data and a hand held distance meter (capturing 2D data) feeding to a tablet PC where it is plotted in CAD for edit and review at the point of capture.
The problem
The standard Microsoft libraries used by TheoLt typically limit addressable Com ports from Com 1 to Com 8 on some field PCs. With the advent of Bluetooth interfaces for survey instruments virtual ports with assigned numbers beyond 8 can be created. Serial Port Mapper is the recommended fix for the problem. Bluetooth can assign any number to the port and Serial Port Mapper can reassign it to the 1 to 8 range. Once installed and the com ports set up it is invisible and even survives hot swaps of PCMCIA Bluetooth cards!

Serial Port Mapping
Measurement device is sent via Bluetooth to TheoLt using the mapped comport and thence to CAD, TheoLt has all the required tools for orientation and adjustment for precise building survey work. By accepting data simultaneously from 2 ports both 3D (EDM) and 2D data can be mapped at the same time to optimise work practice. Serial Port Mapper will allow com ports to be configured to work on PCs where Bluetooth Port assignment cannot be achieved in the required range.
Best regards.
Mark Latimer & Bill BlakeLatimer CAD