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   Author  Topic: MS Hyper-V guest serial consoles  (Read 7976 times)
MS Hyper-V guest serial consoles
on: Apr 7th, 2011, 9:22am
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I have a Windows 2008 Server running Hyper-V with several Red Hat Linux guests running on it.  I'm trying to figure how I can access the serial console of each guest.  I see an option in the settings for each guest that I can create a named pipe.  Would the Serial Port Redirector product work for what I'm trying to do?  
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Re: MS Hyper-V guest serial consoles
Reply #1 on: Apr 8th, 2011, 4:34am
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Dear hizlup,
Serial Port Redirector creates its own Virtual COM ports in system that can be connected with remote host. You can use "socat" utility on guest OS to redirect input/output of the console to TCP socket. Serial Port Redirector can not communicate with system pipes. Please specify the goal you are trying to achieve so we can give you a proper piece of advice.
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