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   Author  Topic: xbox controller shared but not as game controller  (Read 3838 times)
xbox controller shared but not as game controller
on: Oct 23rd, 2021, 10:38pm
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Hi there,
So I have two xbox controllers that I am trying to use with USB over Network. One controller is an older model and one is the newest model. USB over Network can successfully share each controller to the destination computer but only the newer model of xbox controller is actually detected by Windows. The older model controller is shared but not detected by Windows. By detected I mean it shows under "Game Controllers". This is puzzling me because both controllers are detected as game controllers just fine on the origin computer that I am sharing the controllers from. Any thoughts on this?
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Re: xbox controller shared but not as game control
Reply #1 on: Oct 25th, 2021, 8:28am
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Thanks for the interest in our product.
1) I would advise you to plug your old xbox controller directly into USB over Network (client) PC and test it there locally.
2) create DWORD value (value data 1) UseLegacyBus on USB over Network (client) PC
reboot client PC, share the device and try to reproduce the issue again.
3) Do you use a console (not remote) session on USB over Network (client) PC?
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Sergey Jarovski

Re: xbox controller shared but not as game control
Reply #2 on: Oct 26th, 2021, 1:01am
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Hi. I tried tip number 2 - creating the registry key UseLegacyBus and that solved the problem. I did not understand what you meant by console(not remote) session but the controller is now recognized by Windows under game controllers.  
Thank you for your help.
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Re: xbox controller shared but not as game control
Reply #3 on: Oct 26th, 2021, 9:27am
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Hi again,
I am glad to know that your problem has been resolved.
Regarding "console(not remote) session". Launch Task Manager on USB over Network (client) PC (not within RD session), click on Users, you'll see the type of your session there.
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Sergey Jarovski

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