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   Author  Topic: Keyboard redirection  (Read 4002 times)
Keyboard redirection
on: Sep 22nd, 2021, 5:00pm
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I have two test systems: (1) AWS Workspaces (PCoIP), (2) AWS Workspaces (WSP)
I have a composite keyboard composed of 4 virtual USB interfaces. It contains an audio input/output and a fingerprint reader.
Previously on System (1) I used USB for Remote Desktop and followed the instructions to remove the HID filter (https://www.fabulatech.com/forum/board-usbrdp-action-display-num-493231967.html). Afterwards I was able to forward the keyboard signal and use the keyboard peripherals (audio, fingerprint reader). There were still some issues: namely the keyboard typing was being forwarded in full where I was unable to type on the local machine (only on the remote), but overall things worked.
With USB over Network I have the same "success" on System (1). However on System (2), when I forward the keyboard I am no longer able to type letters on either machine -- the peripherals (audio, fingerprint reader) however do seem to work on the forwarded machine. I've tried forwarding individual interfaces, I've experimented with port forwarding, but none of these approaches seems to work.  
- What is different about how this product runs on System (2) vs System (1) and how can I properly enable the redirection?  
- In an optimal scenario I would be able to both forward the peripherals (fundamentally I need the fingerprint reader) while also being able to type both on the server and client machine. Is this possible?
Last Edit: Sep 22nd, 2021, 8:14pm by b14569 IP Logged
Re: Keyboard redirection
Reply #1 on: Sep 23rd, 2021, 8:37am
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USB for Remote Desktop is conceptually the same product as USB over Network.
Do you use USB for Remote Desktop (workstation) and USB over Network (server) on the same PC?
Please clarify.
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Sergey Jarovski

Re: Keyboard redirection
Reply #2 on: Sep 23rd, 2021, 1:43pm
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Our team was previously on AWS Workspaces (PCoIP) using USB for Remote Desktop. We're switching to the AWS Workspaces (WSP) offering away from PCoIP. On the new non-PCoIP (WSP) workstations USB for Remote Desktop is no longer operable (I believe this is the case), and so we switched to USB over Network. With the former we had no major issues with the keyboard redirection (we need the fingerprint reader built-in to the keyboard working). I also tested USB over Network on the PCoIP offering and it works identically to USB for Remote Desktop. But for some reason USB over Network is having the issue described above on the non-PCoIP (WSP) machines. As noted above the software sees the attached devices, and forwards attached devices, and doesn't have any obvious (visible) issues. To summarize what works as expected (with respect to the keyboard typing issue):
                USB for Remote Desktop   |   USB over Network
AWS PCoIP                Yes                                   Yes
AWS WSP                  NA                                    No
Last Edit: Sep 23rd, 2021, 3:26pm by b14569 IP Logged
Re: Keyboard redirection
Reply #3 on: Sep 24th, 2021, 6:54am
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1) uninstall USB for Remote Desktop (workstation) part on your local PC;
2) uninstall USB for Remote Desktop (server) part on AWS virtual PC;
3) launch WSP session, launch Task Manager, click on Users and let me know your session type there.
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Sergey Jarovski

Re: Keyboard redirection
Reply #4 on: Sep 24th, 2021, 6:08pm
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On Amazon Workspaces
WSP: RDP-Tcp#1
PCoIP: Console
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Re: Keyboard redirection
Reply #5 on: Sep 27th, 2021, 7:04am
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The cause of the problem is a limitations of RDP/ICA protocol.
There is no such problem in case of console or PCoIP session.
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Sergey Jarovski

Re: Keyboard redirection
Reply #6 on: Sep 27th, 2021, 12:48pm
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Okay, is there any "workaround" or approach you can think of where I can solve the problem? More specifically is there a way to isolate the signal from a composite device and forward only the fingerprint reader? Do you know of any tooling that can help identify the components and a configuration with USB over Network that would allow me to do so? In short do you have suggestions on how I can solve this problem.
Last Edit: Sep 27th, 2021, 12:49pm by b14569 IP Logged
Re: Keyboard redirection
Reply #7 on: Sep 27th, 2021, 3:33pm
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Look at the list of the supported devices for Biometrics for Remote Desktop (click on "wide list of devices"):
If you can find your device there then you are welcome to test our solution for your purpose.
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Sergey Jarovski

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