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   Author  Topic: Server Installation generating infinit Printer Job  (Read 5668 times)
Server Installation generating infinit Printer Job
on: Nov 21st, 2012, 11:38am
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after installing the trial i got a wierd issue
the clients producing 1 or 2 empty printjobs on multiple printers every second
causing the server to crash. the normal printer redirection was not possible due  
to the "heavy" load of the server (printers where not linked to the session).
after uninstalling the software from the server all behaviors where back to normal.
any suggestions?
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Re: Server Installation generating infinit Printer
Reply #1 on: Nov 22nd, 2012, 7:02am
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We are more than interested in resolving the issue you encountered. Please send us the following so we could investigate it more thoroughly:  
1. System information files from both computer where Scanner for Remote Desktop is installed. To get system information file  you need to do the following: Start -> Programs -> Accessories -> System Tools -> System Information File -> Save.
2. Memory Dump File. You mentioned that your server crashed. I suppose it was a BSOD. In "Windows" folder you will find "MEMORY.DMP" file. Please upload it to our FTP server:
And let me know the file name.  
You can contact me via email: support@fabulatech(dot)com
Thanks. Looking forward to your email.
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