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error code 1603 : installation error
on: Jun 26th, 2024, 3:06am |
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MSI (s) (B4!10) [13:18:23:204]: Closing MSIHANDLE (15) of type 790531 for thread 6928 MSI (s) (B4!10) [13:18:23:205]: Creating MSIHANDLE (16) of type 790531 for thread 6928 ftLog: Module: ftSetupAddin.cpp (3312). IsCtxClientInstalled() == FALSE MSI (s) (B4!10) [13:18:23:206]: Closing MSIHANDLE (16) of type 790531 for thread 6928 MSI (s) (B4:A4) [13:18:23:208]: Closing MSIHANDLE (14) of type 790536 for thread 492 MSI (s) (B4:EC) [13:18:23:209]: Executing op: ActionStart(Name=NL_CtxRelay_VD_UnInstall_r,,) Action 13:18:23: NL_CtxRelay_VD_UnInstall_r. MSI (s) (B4:EC) [13:18:23:217]: Executing op: CustomActionSchedule(Action=NL_CtxRelay_VD_UnInstall_r,ActionType=3329,Source=BinaryData,Target=FtUninstallCtxModule,CustomActionData=Netlink 3*ftnlctx3.dll) MSI (s) (B4:EC) [13:18:23:236]: Executing op: ActionStart(Name=c11_UnInstallDrv1r.0AE581B0_5E63_4C4D_B748_626F13334D00,,) Action 13:18:23: c11_UnInstallDrv1r.0AE581B0_5E63_4C4D_B748_626F13334D00. MSI (s) (B4:EC) [13:18:23:237]: Executing op: CustomActionSchedule(Action=c11_UnInstallDrv1r.0AE581B0_5E63_4C4D_B748_626F13334D00,ActionType=3393,Source=BinaryData,Target=FtUninstallDriver,) MSI (s) (B4:EC) [13:18:23:238]: Executing op: ActionStart(Name=c16_InstallDrv1.0AE581B0_5E63_4C4D_B748_626F13334D00,,) Action 13:18:23: c16_InstallDrv1.0AE581B0_5E63_4C4D_B748_626F13334D00. MSI (s) (B4:EC) [13:18:23:239]: Executing op: CustomActionSchedule(Action=c16_InstallDrv1.0AE581B0_5E63_4C4D_B748_626F13334D00,ActionType=3073,Source=BinaryData,Target=FtInstallOrUpdateDriver,CustomActionData=ftusbbus2.inf*FABULATECH\ft2usbhub*1) MSI (s) (B4:EC) [13:18:23:240]: Creating MSIHANDLE (17) of type 790536 for thread 492 MSI (s) (B4:94) [13:18:23:251]: Invoking remote custom action. DLL: C:\Windows\Installer\MSI7D9D.tmp, Entrypoint: FtInstallOrUpdateDriver MSI (s) (B4!24) [13:18:23:254]: Creating MSIHANDLE (1 of type 790531 for thread 6948 ftLog: FtMsg: parameters string = "ftusbbus2.inf*FABULATECH\ft2usbhub*1" MSI (s) (B4!24) [13:18:23:255]: Closing MSIHANDLE (1 of type 790531 for thread 6948 MSI (s) (B4!24) [13:18:23:255]: Creating MSIHANDLE (19) of type 790531 for thread 6948 ftLog: FtMsg: start install driver... MSI (s) (B4!24) [13:18:23:256]: Closing MSIHANDLE (19) of type 790531 for thread 6948 MSI (s) (B4!24) [13:18:23:256]: Creating MSIHANDLE (20) of type 790531 for thread 6948 ftLog: FtMsg: driver INF file = "C:\Windows\system32\ftusbbus2.inf" MSI (s) (B4!24) [13:18:23:257]: Closing MSIHANDLE (20) of type 790531 for thread 6948 MSI (s) (B4!24) [13:18:24:031]: Creating MSIHANDLE (21) of type 790531 for thread 6948 ftLog: Error (0x436). Module: InstallDriver (455). C:\Windows\system32\ftusbbus2.inf MSI (s) (B4!24) [13:18:24:033]: Closing MSIHANDLE (21) of type 790531 for thread 6948 CustomAction c16_InstallDrv1.0AE581B0_5E63_4C4D_B748_626F13334D00 returned actual error code 1603 (note this may not be 100% accurate if translation happened inside sandbox) MSI (s) (B4:94) [13:18:24:035]: Closing MSIHANDLE (17) of type 790536 for thread 492 Action ended 13:18:24: InstallFinalize. Return value 3. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------