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   Author  Topic: No connection to the Workstation module  (Read 6036 times)
No connection to the Workstation module
on: Feb 7th, 2018, 10:45am
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We have installed USB for Remote DEsktop on windows 10.
We have made the workstation installation and the server Installation.
Both Fabulatech (..core) services are running correctly.
We want forward the 3dspacemouse from the server side to the workstation side.
On the server side, in the taskbar, the Fabulatech icon is grayed out and report the error
" No connection to the Workstation module "
On the Workstation side,
-The 3d mouse does not work
-If you move the 3d mouse on the workstation, the data&tim at the logonscreen is scrolling up and down.
-The FabulaTech software prevent the running of the 3dmouse proprieties, (customizing the movement, the button, etc. ). To run it we need to remove the USB for Remote Desktop.
Do you have any suggestion?
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Re: No connection to the Workstation module
Reply #1 on: Feb 8th, 2018, 8:15am
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Thanks for the interest in our products and for your request.
Regarding "No connection to the Workstation module":
What protocol (RDP/ICA/PCoIP) you are using for remoting?
We are supporting only standard RD clients (mstsc, ICA Receiver, VMware Horizon Client) for usb device redirection.
Regarding "The 3d mouse does not work":
What OS you are using on both (workstation/server) sides?
What usb port (2.0 or 3.0) you are using for 3dconnexion device?
Just open Device Manager, find your device there and update the driver to standard.
Waiting for your response.
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Sergey Jarovski

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