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Command line function for Tagged Devices
on: Aug 26th, 2024, 10:05am |
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Using given command line tool provided with software, it is okay to access basic functions as GUI client provides. But as we using several USB devices with same functionality, we using device tags (Tagged Devices) to select a device from pool. It's a nice function, but from command line tool, there's no option to control Tagged Device connection requests. As I see if I connected to a device, but can't control if I like to connect to a particular device with a tag. If I already signed for a tagged device to connect as I see I can't disable this "signup" for that device tag. This is unfortunate, because if I disconnect from a device which connected through GUI from Tagged Devices, then software will reconnect to that devices pool even I disconnected as software thinks that connection for that pool is still a request. Is there any solution for this or some workaround to control Tagged Devices connection from command line tool? Reason to solve this: we using USB devices on remote PCs from an USB server PC. But sometimes colleagues forget to disconnect before leaving the remote PC and we'd like to automate the disconnection on remote PCs overnight to free up these occupied devices. This would be accomplished with command line tool, but if the colleague (probably he will) pick the devices from Tagged Devices, the automated schedules overnight task will fail, because PC will reconnect to that devices again as issue mentioned above. So currently I'm seeking for a solution to this problem if any available. Thanks in advance!