Command Line Interface
Use USBSRVCmd.exe console program to configure the program via command line interface.
Command line USBSRVCmd.exe file is created during the program installation. You can find it in USB over Network Server program folder.
Command Line Keys
Key | Description |
help | Shows this help. |
tcpport [ -d | <port> ] | Set TCP port. |
list [[-v][-o] [-i] [<devId>] | [-s]] |
Lists USB devices and shared USB ports;
share <devId> | -a [VID][:PID][:REV] [-s serial] [-p port] | Shares the USB device identified by devId or VID:PID:REV serial and port. |
unshare <devId> | -a [VID][:PID][:REV] [-s serial] [-p port] | Unshares the USB device identified by devId or VID:PID:REV serial and port. |
shareport <devId> | <-p port> | Shares the USB port where the USB device with devId identifier is plugged. |
unshareport <devId> | <-p port> | Unshares the USB port. |
callback add <host> [<port>] [-m <message>] [-p <password>] |
Initiates a callback connection to the Client.
callback list | Lists callback connections. |
callback del <callback id | all> | Removes the callback connection specified by callback id, or all callbacks. |
listrules [-v] | Lists sharing rules. |
addrule [-rn <name>] [-id VID[:PID][:REV]] [-cls CLS[:SCLS][:PROTO]] [-s <serial>] [-p <port>] [-share | -prevent] [-dd <DeviceDescription>] [-ds <serial>] [-ap permanent | unplug | restart] [-lu] [-co] [-pass <password>] [-rp =1|=0] [-rs] [-approx <1-10>] |
Adds sharing rule with the next parameters:
editrule <ruleId> [-enable | -disable] [-rn <name>] [-id VID[:PID][:REV]] [-cls CLS[:SCLS][:PROTO]] [-s <serial>] [-p <port>] [-share | -prevent] [-dd <DeviceDescription>] [-ds <serial>] [-ap permanent | unplug | restart] [-lu] [-co] [-pass <password>] [-rp =1|=0] [-rs] [-approx <1-10>] |
Edits sharing rule defined by ruleId:
removerule <ruleId | -rn name | all> | Removes sharing rule defined by ruleId, or name, or removes all rules. |
password -s [password]|-g | Sets or gets password required for client authentication. |
ssl [=0|=1] | Gets, enables or disables SSL settings. |
ssl cert [<path>] | Path to the PEM-encoded Certificate file for the Server. |
ssl key [<path>] | Path to the PEM-encoded Private Key file for the Server, Private Key must be unencrypted. |
ssl use_chain [=0|=1] | Gets, enables or disables using of certification authorities chain file. |
ssl chain [<path>] | Path to the PEM-encoded CA Certificate files. |
ssl use_auth [=0|=1] | Gets, enables or disables Clients authentication. |
ssl auth [<path>] | Path to the PEM-encoded client authentication certificate list file. |
ssl use_revoc [=0|=1] | Gets, enables or disables the use of the certificate revocation list. |
ssl revoc [<path>] | Path to the certificate revocation list. |
ssl chkname [=1|=0] | Check common name. |
lickey [[-f] <key file path>] |
Applies the license key from a specified path;
licsrv [list]|[set [host [port]] |
Gets or sets using the License Server instead of local license;
export [<path>] | Export the program configuration to a specified path. |
import [<path>] | Import the program configuration from a specified path. |
log [level error|debug]|[show] | Specifies the logging level (error or debug) or shows the program log in notepad. |
alias my -s [name]|-g | Sets or gets alias name of this computer; |
alias other -s [=1|=0]|-g | Enables/disables or gets current state of displaying alias names of other computers. |
disconnect <devId> | Disconnect from Client the USB device specified by devId; |
ping [-t ping_timeout -p ping_tick ] |
Sets ping options.
Command Line Usage Examples:
Get the list of available USB devices:
C:\Program Files\USB over Network>usbsrvcmd list devID:0 - USB Mouse (unshared) devID:3 - TTDC TTDC PPG Receiver (unshared) devID:4 - PANTECH USB MMC Storage (unshared)
To share a device use the "share" key and specify its devId:
C:\Program Files\USB over Network>usbsrvcmd share 4 Device shared successfully.
To unshare a USB device use the "unshare" key and specify its devId:
C:\Program Files\USB over Network>usbsrvcmd unshare 4 Device unshared successfully.