Using Command Line Interface

Use USBCLNCmd.exe console program to configure the program via command line interface.

Command line USBCLNCmd.exe file is created during the program installation. You can find it in USB over Network Client program folder.

Command Line Keys

Key Description
help Shows this help.
add [-a] <host> [<port>] [-P password] Adds a new USB over Network Server.
Hostname or IP-address of the Server.
Auto-connect all available devices from the server.
Password if required.
del <srvId>|all Removes the USB over Network Server with srvId identifier.
All USB over Network Servers will be disconnected and removed from the list.
autoconnect <srvId> [=1|=0] Enables or disables autoconnection of all available USB devices from the server.
list [-a]|[-v]|[-o] [-D] [srvId]|[ServerName[:Port]] Displays the list of servers and shared USB devices.
connect < srvId | -ip server:port > <devId | <-a VID:PID:REV <-p Port>|<-s Serial>>> [-P password] Connects the USB device. USB device can be specified using the following combinations of identifiers:
   srvId (or IP:port) and devId;
   srvId (or IP:port) and VID:PID:REV:Port;
   srvId (or IP:port) and Serial;
Password if required.
prevent < srvId | -ip server:port > <devId | <-a VID:PID:REV <-p Port>|<-s Serial>>> <=0|=1> Prevents the USB device from auto-connection. USB device can be specified using the following combinations of identifiers:
   srvId (or IP:port) and devId;
   srvId (or IP:port) and VID:PID:REV:Port;
   srvId (or IP:port) and Serial;
Prevent from auto-connection.
disconnect <srvId>|-ip <server:port> <devId | <-a VID:PID:REV <-p Port>|<-s Serial>>> Disconnects the USB device. USB device can be specified using the following combinations of identifiers:
   srvId (or IP:port) and devId;
   srvId (or IP:port) and VID:PID:REV:Port;
   srvId (or IP:port) and Serial.
export [<path>] Exports the program configuration to a specified path.
import [<path>] Imports the program configuration from a specified path.
callback Lists callback-connected USB Servers.
callback deny Denies callback connections to this Client.
callback allow [-r] [-a] Allows callback connections to this Client;
Allows callback connections with confirmation; USB over Network Client GUI must be launched to show callback connection request.
Auto-connect all available devices from the callback server.
callback port [<tcp port>] Sets the TCP-port for callback connections.
callback pass -t <password> Sets the password for callback connections.
callback pass -e Enables password verification for callback connections.
callback pass -d Disables password verification for callback connections.
ssl [=1|=0] Enables or disables SSL.
ssl use_trusted [=1|=0 [-cert <path>] [-chkname 1|0]] Gets, enables or disables the use of a trusted authority file.
Path to the PEM-encoded trusted authority for the Server.
Check common name.
ssl use_cert [=1|=0 [-cert <path>] [-key <path> ]] Gets, enables or disables the use of the Client's authentication certificate file.
Path to the PEM-encoded authentication certificate for the Client.
Path to the PEM-encoded private key file for the Client.
log [level error|debug]|[show] Specifies the logging level (error or debug) or shows the program log in notepad.
lickey [[-f] <key file path>] Applies the license key from a specified path;
Applies the license key even if it is outdated.
licsrv [list]|[set [host [port]] Gets or sets using the License Server instead of local license;
host, port
License Server network path and TCP-port.
alias my -s [name]|-g Sets or gets alias name of this computer;
alias other -s [=1|=0]|-g Enables/disables or gets current state of displaying alias names of other computers.
ping [-t ping_timeout -p ping_tick ] Sets ping options.
Ping packet interval.
Break connection interval.

Command Line Usage Examples:

Add USB over Network Server:

C:\Program Files\USB over Network>usbclncmd add 33000
Host added successfully.

Get the list of servers:

C:\Program Files\USB over Network>usbclncmd list
srvID:1  - (available connections: 1 of 1)

---Discovered servers---
VM-XP - 
LAB-3 -

Get the list of remote shared USB devices:

C:\Program Files\USB over Network>usbclncmd.exe list -a
srvID:1  - (available connections: 1 of 1)
        devID:0 - Microsoft Microsoftо Fingerprint Reader (VID: 0x45e PID: 0xca, port: 257, serial: (null)) (shared)
        devID:1 - JetFlash Mass Storage Device (VID: 0x58f PID: 0x6387, port: 1027, serial: (null)) (shared)

---Discovered servers---
VM-XP - 
LAB-3 -

Connect specified remote shared USB device:

C:\Program Files\USB over Network>usbclncmd connect 1 1
Device is connected